Thursday, March 5, 2009

Towards an Sensible Energy Policy

So far the Obama administration's energy policy has been a mishmash of silly to dangerous radical left ideas which were fostered by lobbyists for Wind, Ethanol, Nuclear, Solar, and Karma. These ideas are all far less than half baked (.001%). Their problem is that they generally have absolutely no concept of the size and cost of the Energy Infrastructure that they hope to replace with their little hope-child. Don't get me wrong, I really believe in hopes and aspirations - that is what America is all about. It is just that Obama, as inspiring as he is, just cannot do it for them. It also cannot be done in a short time. It took decades for the current energy infrastructure to be developed and tens of trillions of $. Most of Obama's stated policy and unstated policy will only make energy more expensive and less available thereby lowering our standard of living to that of his beloved Kenya.

Some Sensible and Do-able policys that Obama could enact tomorrow and have a positive effect on the Energy problem and the general economy

1. Put a $20-40 tariff on all imported oil. This will have a number of beneficial effects immediately.
a It will raise petroleum energy costs and therefore cut usage which will improve all types of pollution including CO2. It will also create a significant revenue stream for the Government.
b. The price increase will carry over to domestic production which will stimulate investment in exploration and production of American oil. This will produce many new jobs and new tax income for Governments.
c. The increased price of energy will provide the economic conditions for Alternative Energy to develop as a lower cost competitor to petroleum based energy.

2. Open all of the US outer continental shelf to petroleum exploration and production. This will immediately produce tens of thousands of high paying jobs and the sale of leases will produce a large yearly windfall of revenue for the government . As oil is produced, it will produce both new jobs and a significant revenue stream for the Government.

3. If a billionaire can create economic space travel that can compete well with NASA by simply offering a $10 Mil prize, why can't the Obama or the Gorical use similar carrot techniques to produce new and better energy generation technology. I know the answer. The Obama's and the Gore's of the world get their kicks from blaming others for the situation and want to punish those whose success has made them both jealous and guilty. GET OVER IT.

4. If wind and solar are being held back by insufficient power line infrastructure then this is truly a job for BIG GOVERNMENT. Does anyone remember the REA (rural electrification association?). When we wanted to get electricity to the Farms and Ranches, it took a big effort, but we got it to them eventually. Now we have the problem in reverse. The Farms and Ranches could produce huge amounts of electricity for our cities but the infrastructure is not there. Warren Buffet has said that alternative power generation will be the salvation of our languishing rural communities and put them in the forefront of job generation and income production once again. HOORAY

5. Isn't it time that the Snail Darter Minnow took a back seat to Hydroelectric power and water control by means of dams. We have let the interests of a few loud lobbyists for obscure animals hold up the development of much needed water and power resources. California and some other states are running out of water because we aren't capturing it and controlling its use as we should. Aquifers are being destroyed by over-pumping of wells. aquifer recharge through a system of Dams is a do-able remediation for overworked aquifers. Our population has grown to the point that wild life protection is not feasible in many areas. Anyone who has visited China understands that our land use must be engineered.

6. You've hired a Nobel Physicist as Science Advisor. Why not let him work on the problems of Nuclear Power Generation and Nuclear Waste Disposal instead of letting him embarrass himself with naive and half baked statements about the Global Warming controversy. For one thing this would allow him to be PROACTIVE rather than REACTIVE and second, it would be an excellent use of his talents. As he well knows, Nuclear is the long term answer to our energy needs. Nuclear can provide infinitely expandable energy and can be as safe as we want to engineer it to be. He also knows that the answer to nuclear waste disposal lies in the development of the technology to use it in the generation of even more power. LET THE MAN WORK!

7. Since the Obama regime is so big on new taxes, how about using a little economic common sense in designing the tax code. Accountants and Tax Lawyers are necessary but the current tax code is way too complex making it necessary to spend too much of the GDP on non income producing activities such as tax a$$ covering. How about simplifying the code so that ordinary people can fill out their business and personal tax forms with confidence.

* MR. Obama, if you really want to end this recession then start talking to Business Leaders as equals and stop using the press to fry them in public. Business has to lead us out of the recession and your choices are: LEAD, FOLLOW OR GET OUT OF THE WAY. It is time to stop the anti capitalist demagoguery.