Sunday, February 22, 2009

Comrade Obama

Well, now we know what Obama's plans for us are. It is back to the back breaking and spirit breaking taxes for those of us that work. The promise of taxing the rich is now defined for us at the level of $75,000 joint income. His stated goals are to spread the wealth to all of those poor folks who never finished high school, never went to trade school, never learned to read or write and wasted their lives on drugs and alcohol. Those poor dears will swamp our medical facilities when universal health care gets implemented and those of us that have paid for our own health insurance will see our available health care greatly diminished. It will be like England and Canada where long waits for service end up with a Dr. x?.";*7% who was educated offshore and is barely able to speak English.
1. He will try to break the back of the hard working middle class by taxing them to death. He is jealous of anyone who is successful and hard working
2. He will spend the tax money on the lazy class. He will pore funds into school systems that are totally uninterested in education of children. Teachers Unions will see to it that very little of the $ gets to the children. The winners are the Union power structure and the Principles and Administrators who inflate their salaries and self importance while the children languish.
3. He will pore money into the transportation infrastructure to pay off his debts to the construction, auto, and truckers unions.
4. He will pore money into alternative energy projects that will enrich certain political lobbyists. Alternative energy expenditures will not make energy crisis go away and it will cost a fortune and return a dime's worth of energy. Alternative energy will produce new and serious pollution problems as well. Efficient Solar requires rare metals that we will have to import and are a problem to dispose of after the solar cell is discarded.
3. He will pass laws that make dissent impossible (fairness doctirne). Obama can't seem to stand up and fight in a fair fight. The police state is already forming up in the name of equal rights (for the "right " people).
4. He will pass laws that force every worker to pay dues to and vote with the unions. Goon squads will enforce the rule that you vote the union way or else. This is the way it has been done in Chicago for over a century and this is the politics Obama knows and intends to use.
5. He will use front men to scare the public into compliance with his every scheme. Look at the radical statements about global warming f0r the model of 21st centure fear mongering. Thousands of eminent scientists have publically expressed their doubts about the degree of human impact on the climate. The Obama-Gore axis power dismisses them without any thought. of The use of the BIG LIE was developed by Stalin and used very effectively to control his unrully peoples in the Soviet Union. We should all be reading Alexsander Solzenitzen books (The Gulag Archepeligo, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,....) now to get a good understanding of what Gulags are and how OBAMA intends to use them.

OBAMA has the strong support of the Eastern Financial Intelligentsia. It is they who have benefited from the BAIL OUT. It is curious that BUSH (an ivy leager) and OBAMA (an ivy leager) should see eye to eye on bailing out their buddies at the big wall street firms. They keep trying to make us believe that if the wall street banks go down, then the world economy goes with it. Out here in the middle west our banks have money to lend and are still doing so. How can this be if wall street is bankrupt? The answer is that certain groups are being protected by the gorernment and as such are insiders. Our tax payer money is being stolen from us right under our noses by the very elected officials who have promised transparency.