Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The electric car is here. Zero pollution - right? Now let me see ..... electricity comes from burning Coal, or Natural Gas ..... that means the pollution is in someone else's back yard. Also, electric   cars require large batteries that contain toxic stuff like Lead, Lithium, Zinc..... what happens when these batteries are tossed into the junk pile. Don't tell me about recycling; it's a myth that Americans bother about recycling. We just discard and buy new. What about the ability of the electric grid to deliver enough energy for the additional needs of electric cars. A car will use as much electricity as 4 houses each month. Thus a two car family wil add 8 houses worth of demand to the grid. Things had better go slow because the flexibility is just not there. I wonder if the electric rates go up, and they will.  Will hybrid users then use the gasoline engine to recharge the batteries? If that happens, then electric hybrids will just be inefficient  gasoline powered cars that drag a heavy battery around with them.

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