Wednesday, November 5, 2014



Now that the balance of government has shifted it is time to tackle the immigration problem. This is a critical problem that needs to be solved. Our immigration laws are in a turbo mass and enforcement is in a worse match. Families are being torn apart people are being allowed in the United States that are either criminals or are totally unknown to us. People are being deported who would be valuable citizens if allowed to stay. We must address this problem.

One. The immigration law is horrible mess that does great injustices and needs to be changed.

Two. The immigration law needs to provide a path for citizenship that is reasonable but not exceptionally easy.

Three. Children should never be separated from their families because of the immigration law.

Four. Social welfare programs should only be available to immigrants that are legally and gainfully employed and registered with the United States government

Five. Fences, immigration employees, and border patrols need to be beefed up so that no one comes into this country without our knowledge and permission. In other words we need to know exactly who enters our country and what their history is. True refugees need to be handled expeditiously and with compassion.

Six. People who come to this country with work visas or student visas need to be checked on often and without fail and when they disappear from the grid they need to be hunted down and deported. Countries who students frequently disappear should be removed from the list of acceptable sources of foreign students.

Seven. Foreign aid should be totally focused on the social problems of of those countries especially the gauze immigrants to come as refugees our borders. We have wasted billions of dollars sure enough the military parts of foreign countries and nothing has been done for the poor. Diplomatic pressure should be part put on all dictators who maintain governments that have no concern for their own poor. This includes all Central and South American countries whose populace are continually trying to escape the oppression of dictators to the south of our borders. We need to put a stop to this by diplomatic and economic pressure.

Eight. The current immigration laws need to be enforced rigorously. Work visas need to be required of all employees and employers to hire illegals who do not have valid work visas should be arrested and punished within the confines of the law. We have turned our backs on the enforcement of immigration law and this must stop now.